[Faraday reminds me of Friedrich W. J. Schelling]
Coffee, Cigarettes & Tesla Coil (by Jim Jarmush, 2005) (Joie & Cinqué Lee, Steve Buscemi, Iggy Pop, Cate Blanchett, Jack & Meg White, GZA, RZA, William Rice);
Coffee, Cigarettes & Tesla Coil (by Jim Jarmush, 2005) (Joie & Cinqué Lee, Steve Buscemi, Iggy Pop, Cate Blanchett, Jack & Meg White, GZA, RZA, William Rice);
"Michael Faraday in 1832 did some experiments he called 'crispations' experiments. And the reason I'm particularly mentioning Faraday is because all those other people were seeing forms in sand, or powder, or dust, this kind of things, whereas Faraday thought 'well, I wonder what will happens when we used liquids'... Faraday was seeing beautiful patterns forming on the surface of the liquids... current hydrodynamics theory includes non-linear standing waves which are nowadays in scientific speech called Faraday waves..." John Stuart Reid's "Secrets of Cymatics" (talk at the Water Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 2016) [my trasncription, see Youtube video above];
Propositions serains et subtilz, hors de vilité (ou description du Jeu de Paulme soubz obscures parolles):
"Nietzche rêve d'une machine à feu toute différente de la machine à vapeur... la machine à feu héraclitéenne..."
Gilles Deleuze
"... listening one takes as a springboard the first sound that comes along; the first something springs us into nothing and out of that nothing arises something; etc. like an alternating current..."
John Cage (45' for a Speaker)
"... modern methods have enabled us to concentrate the substance of twenty thousand pages in two scores."
Aleister Crowley (Liber 777)
"Charm: the lever that turned the world..."
John Ellis/Andrew Pickering
"Conlon Nancarrow (1912–1997) made amazingly precise music using mechanically driven instruments. Operating a custom-built hole-punching machine, he produced piano rolls that drove two synchronized player pianos. Nancarrow was obsessed with the simultaneous layering of multiple tempo strands, where the tempi were related by a mathematical ratio. For example, in his Study for Player Piano 41a (1965), the tempi are related by an irrational factor, and cascades of notes sweep up and down the keyboard at superhuman speed."
"The technology of the magnetic tape recorder effectively liberated time. By simply varying the recording or playback controls, one could slow down, speed up, or reverse the flow of audio time. Tape cutting and splicing enable time segmentation and the free arrangement of tape segments on the timeline... The synthesis of sound by digital computer opened the doors to dramatically expanded control over the time domain. The most obvious extrapolation was the pursuit of superhuman precision and speed..."
"Complex contrapulsations can lead to chaotic cloud textures whose internal rhythm can only be perceived statistically. A classic example is Ligeti’s Poème Symphonique (1962) for 100 metronomes, where each metronome is set to a different tempo."
"Some digital audio mixing applications let the user set the grid or time signature on a per-track or even per-clip basis. These temporal grids need not be rigid. Rather, their tempi can be elastic, deforming in the presence of pivotal sound events, analogous to the way that spacetime is warped by the presence of matter (Einstein 1916). In the extreme, the grids may evaporate, leading to free and open temporal spaces."
Curtis Roads, Composing Electronic Music
- James Clerk Maxwell ('a private tutor who had been employed to teach him was not optimistic, reporting that he was a slow learner. Later Maxwell got the nicnkame "Dafty" from his schoolmates... When Marischal College, where he was a professor of natural philosophy, was merged with King's College to form Aberdeen University, two professorships were merged into one, and his post was given to the professor at King's, forcing Maxwell to seek another position. He applied for the professorship at Edinburgh University, which had become vacant, but it was given to one of his friends and former classmates instead,' Lawrence M. Kraus's Hiding in the Mirror) ('... a brilliant scientist who counted among his many interests... measuring latitude with a bowl of treacle, and the question of how cats land upright while conserving angular momentum when dropped upside down,' Lisa Randall, Warped Passages) (someone who wrote that 'every student of science should be an antiquary in his subject', as quoted by W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
- Michael Faraday ('was a common man with an uncommon passion. In his lifetime he refused both a kighthood and the presidency of the Royal Society, preferring to remain, in his words, just plain Michael Faraday,' Lawrence M. Kraus's Hiding in the Mirror) ('who eventually did track down electromagnetic induction' and 'obtained the revolution of the wire round the pole of the magnet. With his first big discovery Faraday also found himself facing the very unpleasant charge of plagiarism. W. H. Wollaston had surmised that it should be possible to make a current-carrying wire rotate about its own axis when a magnet was brought near. [He] tried the experiment and met with no success... Wollaston had expected the wire to rotate about its own axis, but Faraday plainly showed that this did not happen... when his paper was published, Faraday was unjustly accused of stealing Wollaston's idea without acknowledgment. Even Davy, Faraday's mentor, joined the accusers. Some say that Davy was growing jealous of the man who had once been his assistant,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer) ('Riemann's geometry, contrasted with the finite geometry of Euclid, can be compared with Faraday's field interpretation of electrical phenomena that formerly had been explained by actions at a distance,' Max Jammer, Concepts of Space);
- Oliver Heaviside ('born in 1850 in London, he received little formal education and was mainly self-taught. Though one of Britain's greatest mathematical physicists, he had considerable difficulty for a long time in getting his papers into print. He did not follow the accepted Cambridge mathematical doctrine; he preferred vectors to quaternions; he evolved his own operational calculus; and his methods were said to have shocked the mathematicians. It was those mathematicians, competent as they were, who had difficulty in understanding his work. When they refereed his papers for publication they turned them down seeking clarification, something that Heaviside, living the life of a recluse in Torquay, found difficult to forgive,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
- William Crookes & Oliver Lodge ('prime examples of serious scientists who braved criticism by examining areas outside the accepted realm of science; in their case it was psychical research. Meanwhile inside the realm of science, radio was soon to become a technology. Crookes had defined the requirements for radiotelegraphy and Lodge had brought it to the brink of achievement,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
- Guglielmo Marconi ('born in 1874 in Bologna of a well-to-do Italian father and a Scots-Irish mother. Much of his education came from private tuition and he is said to have been a rather solitary child. His father was not impressed when he failed the Italian Naval Academy's entrance examination, still less so when he capped that by failing the matriculation examination of the University of Bologna... Augusto Righi, at the university, was known to the family and allowed Marconi access to his lectures and laboratory... Perhaps Marconi did better by going to university through the back door... Righi [was] one of the few people who really understood what Hertz had accomplished,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
See also:
- Oliver Heaviside ('born in 1850 in London, he received little formal education and was mainly self-taught. Though one of Britain's greatest mathematical physicists, he had considerable difficulty for a long time in getting his papers into print. He did not follow the accepted Cambridge mathematical doctrine; he preferred vectors to quaternions; he evolved his own operational calculus; and his methods were said to have shocked the mathematicians. It was those mathematicians, competent as they were, who had difficulty in understanding his work. When they refereed his papers for publication they turned them down seeking clarification, something that Heaviside, living the life of a recluse in Torquay, found difficult to forgive,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
- William Crookes & Oliver Lodge ('prime examples of serious scientists who braved criticism by examining areas outside the accepted realm of science; in their case it was psychical research. Meanwhile inside the realm of science, radio was soon to become a technology. Crookes had defined the requirements for radiotelegraphy and Lodge had brought it to the brink of achievement,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
- Guglielmo Marconi ('born in 1874 in Bologna of a well-to-do Italian father and a Scots-Irish mother. Much of his education came from private tuition and he is said to have been a rather solitary child. His father was not impressed when he failed the Italian Naval Academy's entrance examination, still less so when he capped that by failing the matriculation examination of the University of Bologna... Augusto Righi, at the university, was known to the family and allowed Marconi access to his lectures and laboratory... Perhaps Marconi did better by going to university through the back door... Righi [was] one of the few people who really understood what Hertz had accomplished,' W. A. Atherton in From Compass to Computer);
See also:
"Determinants of Faraday Wave-Patterns in Water Samples Oscillated Vertically at a Range of Frequencies from 50-200 Hz," Merlin & Rupert Sheldrake (Water 9, 1-27, October 25, 2017);
See also:
And also:
- actual infinite falling (against Carlo Rovelli's pseudo-problem);
- the dogma of semantic uniformity & Python Gored Naturalism;
See also:
And also:
- actual infinite falling (against Carlo Rovelli's pseudo-problem);
- the dogma of semantic uniformity & Python Gored Naturalism;
- Spooky Blue;
*****extremely useful site for reviewing almost all mathematical concepts and skills in a systematic and organized way (Sal Khan's Academy): https://www.khanacademy.org/math;
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