"Another piece of advice I was given was, ‘Find a very, very small area in physics and then just publish about ten or fifteen papers on it; then you’ll get a reputation. Then you can go and do this other stuff.’ In fact - another little story — when I did go and spend a sabbatical with Bohm, a very senior physicist in England asked me to come visit him for a few days. He took me out to dinner one night and, very fatherly, said he wanted to give me some advice. He said he knew I was working with Bohm and that it probably wasn’t a very good thing to be doing. It would be bad for me, and really I should try to dissociate myself from him and go back to doing small pieces of physics. ‘Do small problems,’ he said. ‘That’s the way that physics is going to progress, by people doing little bits of things.’ Another person told me that his ambition was to be just a footnote in a textbook" (David Peat,
interviewed by Mike Towler);
"The saddest people on Earth are junior faculty hoping to get tenure at a university, because they are forbidden to smile in public, crack jokes, or make eye contact, and they absolutely can't be seen as being even mildly interested in tabloid stories. It's the kiss of death to put one's twenty-plus years of education and training in jeopardy by being perceived as too sympathetic about controversial issues" (Dean Radin,
Real Magic, p. 13);
Brian D. Josephson's critical review of BBC's program
"For the last six weeks, BBC2 TV has been running a series called 'Heretic', detailing the responses of the scientific community to ideas generally considered unacceptable by scientists, and the treatment given to those advocating such ideas... In every case a similar story unfolded: dismissal of the claims as being nonsense or impossible, generally without any serious attempt to look at the evidence or the arguments... The sense of self-superiority of the critics in many instances was in striking contrast to the humility, integrity and sincerity manifested by workers such as Robert Jahn (an expert in rocket engineering forced to resign his position as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Princeton University because of this unconventional side to his research interests and, for a time, not allowed to talk about that research). Jahn became interested in psychokinesis because an undergraduate at Princeton asked if he could choose as a project the investigation of possible effects of mind on electronic circuits. Jahn assumed that there would be no such effects, but thought setting up an experiment to look for them would be a useful exercise in itself and agreed; to his considerable surprise the results were positive. These results held up under further investigation and since that time the phenomenon has been studied by Jahn and his associates in great detail and in a variety of ways. As in a number of the cases, finding out the truth was more important for Jahn than whether others would accept his discoveries and whether work in the area would advance his career. Critics of his work have been numerous, but most have been armchair ones, who have not taken the trouble to find out what the experiment actually entailed",
Brian D. Josephson (Times Higher Education Supplement, 12 Aug. 1994);
More recent & general material:
'In the U.S., however, industry dug in, seeking not only to discredit the research but to cast pesticide companies as a solution to the problem. Lobbying documents and emails, many of which were obtained through open records requests, show a sophisticated effort over the last decade by the pesticide industry to obstruct any effort to restrict the use of neonicotinoids. Bayer and Syngenta, the largest manufacturers of neonics, and Monsanto, one of the leading producers of seeds pretreated with neonics, cultivated ties with prominent academics, including vanEngelsdorp, and other scientists who had once called for a greater focus on the threat posed by pesticides' (
Many seeds in the U.S. come precoated with neonicotinoids, The Intercept);
'Undercover footage at the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT) near Hamburg, published by Cruelty Free International and Soko Tierschutz, shows technicians with metal prongs grabbing macaque monkeys by the neck. The monkeys are restrained by braces during testing. The footage also shows primates being handled “violently” by technicians: in one incident a monkey has its head smacked against a door frame...' (
Barbaric tests on monkeys lead to calls for closure of German lab, The Guardian);
'I didn’t get the approval letter I needed from the professor that day. Instead I was given an “insider tip” that my research project would probably be evaluated by old-fashioned white men, who would likely be fascinated and impressed by cliches about a woman’s struggles in the Middle East... I left Iran to pursue an academic career where I could have better access to knowledge and collaborate with international scholars. Instead, I feel increasingly trapped in Germany... Projects which depict an oppressed, exotic other – for instance, through examinations of topics such as physical violence in Islamic rituals or the persecution of women in the middle east – tend to be well-received by lecturers and students...' (
As an Iranian academic, I'm fed up of being asked to focus on poverty and oppression, The Guardian);
'Lawrence Krauss, a physicist who retired from Arizona State University, even continued defending Epstein after his 2008 conviction, telling the Daily Beast in 2011: “As a scientist I always judge things on empirical evidence and he always has women ages 19 to 23 around him, but I’ve never seen anything else, so as a scientist, my presumption is that whatever the problems were I would believe him over other people...”' (
Private jets, parties and eugenics: Jeffrey Epstein's bizarre world of scientists, The Guardian);
'Even as dogs have become beloved pets in the U.S., treated as members of the family, with harsh punishments for those who abuse them, the behavior of corporate and academic entities that subject dogs to gruesome experimentations has barely changed. It’s a strange hypocrisy: Individuals may not abuse these animals, but corporations can...' (
Bred do Suffer: Inside the Barbaric U.S. Industry of Dog Experimentation,
The Intercept);
"In the fall of 1949, the influential scientific General Advisory Committee of the AEC recommended not to proceed with the hydrogen bomb. The majority, consisting of Oppenheimer, Conant, and Lee DuBridge (a physicist and president of Caltech) argued in ethical and political terms that the bomb was unnecessary, indeed, unwanted, because its use would involve a decision to slaughter a vast number of civilians... Fermi and Rabi agreed in the rejection of what they considered to be a danger to humanity as a whole and necessarily an evil thing considered in any light... Arthur Comton had advised hat this development should not be undertaken, primarily because we should prefer defeat in war to a victory obtained at the expense of the enourmous human disaster that would be caused... There were other and louder voices, especially that of Teller, who argued passionately for a thermonuclear crash program. During the beginning of the Cold War, his voice reached the ears of many politicians and, not surprisingly, generals and admirals... President Truman authorized the development of a superbomb based on fusion... Many of America's best physicists, including some of those (Oppenheimer, Bethe and Fermi) who had argued against the superbomb, now engaged collectively in an effort to find a way of how to construct the bomb... by 1952 a thermonuclear test device, called Mike, was ready... It took one and a half years of hard work to develop Mike into a real bomb that could be dropped from an airplane. The result was Bravo... The destructive yield was awesome, corresponding to about 15 megatons of TNT or more than 1000 times as much as the 1945 Hiroshima bomb... The Soviet Union followed quickly in the new arms race..." (Helge Kragh,
Quantum Generations) [also,
Donald Trump confirms US withdrawal from INF nuclear treaty, The Guardian];
See also:
And also:
Covid-19 (by Jean-Dominique Michel):
'Je l’ai dit et le répète: en ces temps de mobilisation collective, nous avons tous à respecter scrupuleusement les mesures qui sont imposées. Même si on doute de celles-ci ou qu’on les trouve inadaptées, aucun d’entre nous ne peut se donner le droit de suivre sa propre idée. Cette compliance -que je n’ai cessé de prôner- m’habite inconditionnellement. Par contre, cette obéissance civile ne doit surtout pas conduire à une interdiction de penser ou de parler.'
'Un possible motif d'inquiétude en revanche est cette affirmation qu'il y aurait des personnes jeunes en quantité non négligeable atteintes de pneumonie et placées sous assistance respiratoire. Elles semblent heureusement survivre, mais évidemment que le nombre de lits en soins intensifs est le paramètre qui pose problème. C’est dans ce paradoxe compliqué entre la très grande innocuité du virus pour l'immense majorité des gens et sa dangerosité extrême dans certains cas que nous sommes trouvés coincés.'
'Raoult a relevé avec ironie qu’il n’était pas impossible que la découverte d’un nouvelle utilité thérapeutique pour un médicament tombé de longue date dans le domaine public soit décevant pour tous ceux qui espèrent un prix Nobel grâce à la découverte fracassante d’une nouvelle molécule ou d'un vaccin… sans oublier la perspective des dizaines de milliards de dollars de revenus à prendre, là où la chloroquine ne coûte littéralement rien.'
'La recherche et l’autorité médicales sont aussi souvent faites de mesquineries, de manipulations, de malhonnêtetés ou d’abus en tous genres, ainsi que de pitoyables mais violents combats d’ego. Sur BFM TV, le Dr Alain Durcadonnet cassait aussitôt du sucre sur le dos de Raoult en rappelant qu’une conclusion scientifique se publiait dans des revues scientifiques et non pas par vidéo… Ceci alors, que dans sa communication, le Pr Raoult (le chercheur français qui, rappelons-le, a le plus publié dans les revues scientifiques dans son domaine) venait évidemment de préciser que l’article décrivant son essai clinique avait été envoyé pour publication à une revue à comité de lecture.'
'La seule stratégie qui fasse sens est de dépister massivement, puis confiner les positifs et/ou les traiter, tout comme les cas à risque puisque c’est possible, comme on le voit en Chine et en Corée, qui ont intégré l’association de dépistages massifs avec la prescription de chloroquine dans leurs treatment guidelines. Ni Hong Kong ni la Corée, deux territoires qui ont connu les plus faibles taux de mortalité face au Covid-19 n’ont imposé de confinement aux personnes saines. Elle se sont simplement organisées différemment.'
'Il n’est pas dans mes habitudes d’être complaisant avec les autorités. J’ai trop souvent vu les ravages de la flatterie et de la veulerie (comme de la critique gratuite ou du procès d'intention) pour tomber dans le piège. Ici, on entend bien des critiques qui me semblent injustes. Oui, notre système de santé n’en est pas vraiment un, on a une industrie de la maladie – ce qui n’est pas pareil. Oui, nos réponses sanitaires sont incroyablement poussiéreuses et même dépassés'
(Covid-19: fin de partie? Anthropo-logiques, 03/18/2020);
More on Covid-19 & the US Health System (Jeffrey Sachs):
'Our health system is focused not even first and foremost on curing disease; it’s focused first and foremost on making money. We have drugs that could stop many other epidemics now, like hepatitis C, that don’t do so, because they are priced hundreds of times more than their production costs because of the unbelievably broken system we have to give monopoly power to powerful companies, who then use their unbelievable profits, in part, to buy the Congress. So, the corruption of our political system has driven so much attention to the wrong things, away from our well-being and now even away from our survival.'
'This is a corruption of the most basic human spirit. It’s a kind of sickness that has infiltrated our public life, of now literally money before lives, money before survival. And it leads to a kind of blindness, because it’s not only cruelty that we’re seeing. We’re seeing profound ignorance. Of course, the president is the ignoramus-in-chief. He knows nothing, understands nothing. He’s a vulgar narcissist. But we have so many people in this country that know something, but where are they when Congress is spending $2 trillion? Where are the experts being listen to? Our system is broken because the greed has supplanted the basic values, and the greed has supplanted people who know what to do'
(Economist Jeffrey Sachs: Trump “Understands Nothing, Listens to Nothing” as Pandemic Surges in U.S./ Democracy Now, 03/24/2020);
Covid-19 & Agriculture (Yakk Pabst & Rob Wallace):
'The increased occurrence of viruses is closely linked to food production and the profitability of multinational corporations. Anyone who aims to understand why viruses are becoming more dangerous must investigate the industrial model of agriculture and, more specifically, livestock production. At present, few governments, and few scientists, are prepared to do so. Quite the contrary.'
'When the new outbreaks spring up, governments, the media, and even most of the medical establishment are so focused on each separate emergency that they dismiss the structural causes that are driving multiple marginalized pathogens into sudden global celebrity, one after the other.'
'... Globally, and in China, wild food is becoming more formalized as an economic sector. But its relationship with industrial agriculture extends beyond merely sharing the same moneybags. As industrial production–hog, poultry, and the like–expand into primary forest, it places pressure on wild food operators to dredge further into the forest for source populations, increasing the interface with, and spillover of, new pathogens, including Covid-19.'
Covid-19 & le for intérieur (Julia Kristeva):
"... la mort, cette limite ultime de l’expérience humaine, se trouve occultée dans nos sociétés sécularisées... cette déferlante virale que nous venons de vivre, nous a révélé la vulnérabilité inerrante à la condition humaine, par-delà le grand âge. Je parle ici de la vulnérabilité qui est en nous, qui nous habite et que notre idéologie de la performance, et du gagnant/gagnant s’avère incapable d’assumer..."
"Cette crise sanitaire fait basculer, dit-on, le néocapitalisme libéral dans un capitalisme numérique, ce qui voudrait dire qu’il faudrait organiser le soutient budgétaire direct de l’Etat et trouver des outils numériques capables de faire du « sur mesure » pour baisser les coûts, tout en revalorisant les rémunérations de certaines professions sous-estimées, notamment dans la santé, l’éducation ou la sécurité. Etc… Mais le désastre humain qu’entraine la pandémie me semble tel, qu’il ne pourra pas se résoudre avec les seules mesures politiques, économiques et sanitaires aussi indispensables soient-elles. Nous devons de façon urgente changer de paradigme et mettre la personne au centre de notre logiciel. Aux niveaux essentiels du pacte social : éthique, éducatif, cultuel, politique."
"Alors, une brèche s’ouvre dans leur confinement. Posé sur la table ou l’oreiller du lit de l’internaute stressé et coincé, ce même objet comme oublié facilite en fait le besoin et le désir de se dénuder, de faire tomber le masque, de parler « seul à seul », « pour de vrai ». Déverrouillage de la culpabilité, du faire-semblant, des défenses mondaines s’en suivent. Chacun découvre son « d’intime/extime », « dedans /dehors » qu’il ou elle puise dans les zones fragiles de leur vie, faisant appel à la vitalité de l’analyste. En attente du vaccin, ce n’est pas un anticorps qui s’élabore ainsi, mais un véritable contrefort psychosomatique qui repousse l’effondrement fomenté par l’attaque virale et la désocialisation confinante. Une espèce d’éthique, transversale aux frontières et interdits moraux qu’elle n’ignore pas, et qu’on nomme dans notre jargon un « inter-dire » (Lacan). Pour ma part, j’appelle « reliance » cette mutualité nucléaire de la parole qui constitue l’être parlant et qu’il nous faut retrouver."
"Nous accusons les scientifiques et les politiques d’être « incertains ». Mais c’est l’abyssale incertitude des frontières entre la vie et la mort que les virus révèlent (ces parasites sont-ils des concepts, des molécules ou des êtres vivants ?) et qui nous tombe dessus. Il faut donc se préparer à vivre avec ces menaces présentes à l’intérieur de notre corps et avec lesquelles nous avons cohabité depuis des millénaires, mais qui vont se faire de plus en plus envahissantes. Si rien n’est fait pour les brider la viralité économico-politique risque de nous revenir en boomerang dans l’inévitable réchauffement climatique," (
"C'est le for intérieur qu'il s'impose de sauver dans l'état de guerre en cours," L'Arche, Mai/Juin 2020);
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