Your Dog Wanna be My King, digital collage by A/Z available with other drawings, photographs and collages at Fine Art America;
Kurt Cobain Journals (New York: Riverhead Books, 2002);
With Krist Novoselic, Dave Grohl & Antony Hodgkinson, Reading Festival (August 30, 1992);
From Nirvana Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! (Kevin Kerslake/Kurt Cobain, 1994);
Jean-Michel Basquiat's detail from Eroica II (1988), Image taken from Leonhard Emmerling's Basquiat;
Nirvana - Annorexorcist;
Sonic Youth - Superstar;
Sonic Youth - Mildred Pierce;
Richard Hell - Blank Generation;
Richard Hell - Blank Generation;
Teenage Jesus - The Closet;
The Stooges - I wanna be your dog;
George Antheil's Violin Sonata n. 2 (Vahid Khadem-Missagh and Gottlieb Wallisch, 2015,Youtube);
"incesticide orphelin"
"Swiss side"
Marcel Duchamp
"Think rich. Look poor."
"Of course you can have bad manners if you know how to use them."
Andy Warhol
"All I liked to do was walk around the streets with a heart full of napalm."
Iggy Pop (Please Kill Me)
"Will you be my The Soliloquist on Perfect?"
James Lee Byars (letter to Joseph Beuys)
"Junkies tend to run together into one body... You have to be careful especially in hot places."
William S. Burroughs
"When Sid was alive, he was always saying, 'When I die, bury me next to Nancy.'"
Eileen Polk (Please Kill Me)
Andy Warhol
"All I liked to do was walk around the streets with a heart full of napalm."
Iggy Pop (Please Kill Me)
"The reason I wrote that song was out of spite for Richard Hell, because he told me he was gonna write a song better than Lou Reed's 'Heroin,' so I went home and wrote 'Chinese Rocks.'"
Dee Dee Ramones (Please Kill Me)
"Ça vous fait vomir? Alors, allez-y, vomissez-moi! Il doit bien y avoir d'autres féministes que vous."
Olga (Les Samouraïs)
"Ça vous fait vomir? Alors, allez-y, vomissez-moi! Il doit bien y avoir d'autres féministes que vous."
Olga (Les Samouraïs)
"You sure to be derided by the Rambo-Liddy-Ollie North steroid gang... and the conventional-wisdom experts."
Timothy Leary
"... mais encore d'avoir eu ses premiers sentiments modelés par les plus douces des soeurs, et non par d'horribles frères toujours prêts aux coups de poing, horrid pugilistic brothers..."
Baudelaire/De Quincey
"And there's Iggy dancing around like Waiting for Godot meets the ballet. He wasn't like Roger Daltrey..."
John Sinclair (Please Kill Me)
"I thought these people were innocent little virgin girls!"
Malcolm McLaren (Please Kill Me)
"We were just being cool, watching the band, and a bunch of fraternity guys came up and started fucking with Fred, slapping him on the back of the head and saying, 'Are you a boy or a girl?'"
Wayne Kramer (Please Kill Me)"And there's Iggy dancing around like Waiting for Godot meets the ballet. He wasn't like Roger Daltrey..."
John Sinclair (Please Kill Me)
"I thought these people were innocent little virgin girls!"
Malcolm McLaren (Please Kill Me)
"I didn't think Teenage Jesus should mingle with the audience, even if to attack them. Don't touch those bastards, let'em just sit there in horror!"
Lydia Lunch (Rip It Up)"... il n'y a d'homme que castré, il n'y a de père que mort."
Sylvia Leclercq (Thérèse mon amour)
"Will you be my The Soliloquist on Perfect?"
James Lee Byars (letter to Joseph Beuys)
"Junkies tend to run together into one body... You have to be careful especially in hot places."
William S. Burroughs
"When Sid was alive, he was always saying, 'When I die, bury me next to Nancy.'"
Eileen Polk (Please Kill Me)
"Other people have imaginary playmates, but Patti had imaginary playmates who were Keith Richards..."
Penny Arcade (Please Kill Me)
"And I could identify with her because I was doing the same thing, keeping journals, writing mash notes to dead people, and here she was doing it in a much more confident way..."
Duncan Hannah (Please Kill Me)
"... une espèce de philanthropie plutôt faite de pitié que d'amour (c'est ainsi que se montre le premier germe de l'esprit satanique qui se développera d'une manière extraordinaire), mais qui va jusqu'à la crainte d'affliger qui que ce soit, on devine ce que peut devenir la sentimentalité localisée, appliquée à une personne chérie, jouant ou ayant joué un rôle important dans la vie morale du malade."
"La hideuse nature, dépouillée de son illumination de la veille, ressemble aux mélancoliques débris d'une fête. La volonté surtout est attaquée, de toutes les facultés la plus précieuse."
Baudelaire (Les Paradis artificiels)
"I alone am still born, showing no sign of life,
Like a baby that has not yet smiled.
Wearied: I have nowhere to go to...
Common folk shine; I alone am gloomy;
Common folk excel; I alone am downcast...
Everyone has good reasons; I alone have a bumpkin's stubbornness.
I long to be alone and am unlike others, for I appreciate sucking my mother's milk."
Daodejing/20 (Edmund Ryden's translation)
"... la musique et la drogue ont des traits différentiels qui les mettent du côté d'une machine de guerre nomade (la machine de guerre a pour objet, non pas la guerre, mais le tracé d'une ligne de fuit créatrice)"
"... un chormatisme élargi porte à la fois la musique et la métallurgie"
Deleuze & Guattari, Mille Plateaux
"Pure experience is an animated state with maximum freedom in which there is not the least gap between the will's demand and its fulfillment."
Kitaro Nishida
"People want their rock stars to go further out on the edge and hang out there for a bit, take a good long look at that abyss, and then transmit what they find there through their art. Ian Curtis did it. Kurt Cobain did it. So did Robert Smith, except he didn't just look at the abyss, he was on intimate terms with it..."
"... we had our introduction to some new American music in the shape of Mission of Burma, whom we immediately liked. We felt a kinship to them. To my mind they were the precursors of bands like Sonic Youth."
Lol Tolhurst (Cured: the tale of two imaginary boys)
"Others who were minor or background figures at the time went on to achieve later success in a different guise, such as Bjork, the KLF, Beastie Boys, Jane's Addiction, and Sonic Youth... There are dozens of bands who made landmark albums but never achieved more than an abiding cult status, earning the dubious consolation prize of being an influence and reference point for the '90s alt-rock megabands (Gang of Four begot Red Hot Chili Peppers, Throbbing Gristle sired Nine Inch Nails, Talking Heads even supplied Radiohead with their name...)"
Simon Reynolds
"People want their rock stars to go further out on the edge and hang out there for a bit, take a good long look at that abyss, and then transmit what they find there through their art. Ian Curtis did it. Kurt Cobain did it. So did Robert Smith, except he didn't just look at the abyss, he was on intimate terms with it..."
"... we had our introduction to some new American music in the shape of Mission of Burma, whom we immediately liked. We felt a kinship to them. To my mind they were the precursors of bands like Sonic Youth."
Lol Tolhurst (Cured: the tale of two imaginary boys)
"Others who were minor or background figures at the time went on to achieve later success in a different guise, such as Bjork, the KLF, Beastie Boys, Jane's Addiction, and Sonic Youth... There are dozens of bands who made landmark albums but never achieved more than an abiding cult status, earning the dubious consolation prize of being an influence and reference point for the '90s alt-rock megabands (Gang of Four begot Red Hot Chili Peppers, Throbbing Gristle sired Nine Inch Nails, Talking Heads even supplied Radiohead with their name...)"
Simon Reynolds
"Warburg insiste pour dire que le séisme du temps atteint l'appareil inscripteur lui-même: lorsque surviennent — ou souviennent — les ondes du temps, le très sensible sismographe tremble sur ses bases... il transmet donc le séisme à l'extérieur comme connaissance, mais également à l'intérieur de lui-même comme expérience, où il risque de se perdre..."
"Eine lange lateinische Abhandlung in Einer Nachtwache niederzuschreiben und auch noch ab-zuschreiben, mit dem Ehrgeiz in der Feder, es meinem Vorbilde Sallust in Strenge und Gedrängtheit nachzuthun, und einigen Grog von schwerstem Kaliber über mein Latein zu gießen, dies stand schon, als ich Schüler der ehrwürdigen Schulpforta war, durchaus nicht im Widerspruch zu meiner Physiologie, noch vielleicht auch zu der des Sallust — wiesehr auch immer zur ehrwürdigen Schulpforta..."
"Eine lange lateinische Abhandlung in Einer Nachtwache niederzuschreiben und auch noch ab-zuschreiben, mit dem Ehrgeiz in der Feder, es meinem Vorbilde Sallust in Strenge und Gedrängtheit nachzuthun, und einigen Grog von schwerstem Kaliber über mein Latein zu gießen, dies stand schon, als ich Schüler der ehrwürdigen Schulpforta war, durchaus nicht im Widerspruch zu meiner Physiologie, noch vielleicht auch zu der des Sallust — wiesehr auch immer zur ehrwürdigen Schulpforta..."
"So wie ich mich immer gewöhnt habe — eine extreme Lauterkeit gegen mich ist meine Daseins-Voraussetzung, ich komme um unter unreinen Bedingungen —, schwimme und bade und plätschere ich gleichsam beständig im Wasser, in irgend einem vollkommen durchsichtigen und glänzenden Elemente."
"Dies ist die fremdartigste 'Objektivität', die es geben kann: die absolute Gewißheit darüber, was ich bin, projicirte sich auf irgend eine zufällige Realität, — die Wahrheit über mich redete aus einer schauervollen Tiefe."
**************************************************************Main Hall
"fuck we were this close..."
"the overbearing dominator..."
"Seattle SCENE Luminaries..."
"ooh eeerie mystical doom..."
"thru your past experieces do you think it would be wise to demant receipts for recording, pressing costs?"
"we still make movies, the last one we did was in Tacoma at NEVER NEVERLAND... other stars included Rick Derringer and John Lennons Penis."
"determination of botanical possibilities... An infared light will simulate the sun in times of winter. A hypnotherapist will hold your hand and aid you into going back to bed."
"I can see small transparent blotches of debris on the outer shell of my eyes. (or the conjunctiva). And can only follow it as my eye moves downward. its like, watching film footage of amoeba or jelly like plankton under a microscope."
"A lot of NAive asshole kids just called her retarded because she never talked."
"... walking in the woods."
"steel SHEEP at a store near you..."
"I left a butter scotch swiss miss pudding out over night & it turned Bright flourescent green."
"munching, chewing hot stacked earth momma sitting in the open woods of nottingham early in the mornings fog."
"May I throw out my hip? I had a bad fall."
"Lolli pop up you know where."
"the art of shopping & matching outfits from the luxury of selection..."
"the mountains which will always be addicted to boredom."
"Elvis Costello — Pump it up."
"Im crosslegged, Rosary to the left..."
"stuck in the middle with you."
"All this wonderfully important deep thought hindered me from REAlizing that the entire House WAS filled with SMOKE from the Charles Bukowski Books..."
"punk rock means freedom..."
"I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own."
"If Jimmi Hendrix were alive..."
"I like girls with weird eyes."
"I like to swim."
"I lack sincerity."
"maybe vegetables will diffuse the chemicals i produce inside me."
"I feel this society has lost its sense of what art is... Art is SEriously being fuCKed with."
"Art is Sacred... expression And right to express is vital."
"I had exausted most conversation at age nine."
"Nihilism is a fine building block to construct foundation of Ideals but dont let the termites come in [tag this here]."
"give me a leonard cohen afterworld."
"Throw eggs at your enemy. A symbolic chicken foetus AT Pro lifers."
"I am a male. age 23 and Im Lactating."
"The finest day Ive ever had WAS whem TOmorrow NEVER Came."
"My credit ran away from me."
"You said that I remind you of yourself tomorrow."
"... down by the lazy rivers of the rhone or rhine."
"we gleefully decline the opportunity to be raped by the limey Journalist... no thank you."
"geezus Christ. (repeat)"
"mistrust All Systematizers..."
"my feathers are my pussy... [page 189 probably the most precious of all]"
"being A borderline Annorexic Auzhwitz-Grunge-Boy."
"Im not nearly as concerned with or about myself or anyone as the media would have us believe..."
"... and all of his orgones and bad thoughts and desires for truth will soak into the walls of my lower intestines. [page 196 probably the most precious of all]"
"vagina medical books, the meat puppets and"
"what the fuck do they teach journalists at school anyway?"
"film adds ten pounds to A person."
"a topless dancer?"
"has gratuity been added?"
"... what we all have known for too long as shit Rock, prefabricated, incestually politically business oriented garbage..."
"Heroes my ass!"
"sadly we don't speak bird."
"like a hypocrite in a hippie crypt."
"a ghost vapor comes out of his chest and groin area and enters me Body."
"he had big lips and liked peanuts."
"Ive collaborated with one of my only Idols Williams Burroughs and I couldn't feel cooler."
"Stay Gay all the way and wipe your Ass with USA today."
All quotations from Kurt Cobain Journals (New York: Riverhead Books, 2002);
All quotations from Kurt Cobain Journals (New York: Riverhead Books, 2002);
***To raise the dead— &/or evidence for the villainous affair, the tale of family disonour, Romish church's pact with the devil (considered the greatest outrage against sense and decency, to be plagued and pestered, though solemnly ratified, à Dieu rien n'est impossible, menteur avéré, nom d'un chien):
"Although Greek names were sometimes applied to the church modes and the principle of diatonic octave scales is found in both systems, certain significant discrepancies seem to belie any direct historical connection. Most conspicuous is the different meaning attributed to the names of the Greek octave species and of the church modes. Comparing the two systems provides a plausible explanation: medieval theorists apparently assumed wrongly that the Greek octave species were named in ascending rather than descending order. The Greek octave species Dorian (E–E), Phrygian (D–D), Lydian (C–C), and Mixolydian (B–B) thus appeared in the church modes as Dorian (D–D), Phrygian (E–E), Lydian (F–F), and Mixolydian (G–G)," (from "Mode," entry in Brittanica, by Mieczyslaw Kolinski);
- défi du non-circoncis;
- Audrey Hempburnt Haunted by A/Z;
***#MeToo Clipping on the White Elite Supreme Degenerate Scumbag STR8 Hypocrite Trashes of all sorts & More:
- faire ce qu'il faut, parler au spectre;
- Genug! Manifesto;
- Land of the Southern Lapwing;
- Joyce in a Toadstool;
- God Save the Queen (Blake's Palace of Wisdom);
- who is afraid of Sylvia Plath?
- Genug! Manifesto;
- Land of the Southern Lapwing;
- Joyce in a Toadstool;
- God Save the Queen (Blake's Palace of Wisdom);
- who is afraid of Sylvia Plath?
***#MeToo Clipping on the White Elite Supreme Degenerate Scumbag STR8 Hypocrite Trashes of all sorts & More:
- 'For me, poetry is photography and poetry can be virtually anything—painting, sculpture, video/audio piece, installation, performance, etc… As Allen Ginsberg told me when we first met, “Poetry is like a radio station that broadcasts long after you’re dead.” I started out as a poet and journalist and I think now more than ever is a good time for both poetry and journalism, through all means and mediums necessary.' (Why Slava Mogutin is Russia’s greatest art rebel, Dazed);
- 'Even as dogs have become beloved pets in the U.S., treated as members of the family, with harsh punishments for those who abuse them, the behavior of corporate and academic entities that subject dogs to gruesome experimentations has barely changed. It’s a strange hypocrisy: Individuals may not abuse these animals, but corporations can...' (Bred do Suffer: Inside the Barbaric U.S. Industry of Dog Experimentation, The Intercept);
- 'On a hot Friday evening in France last month, Jean-Luc Brunel was revelling in his natural habitat: a lavish party packed with the rich and beautiful... Thysia Huisman, then an 18-year-old Dutch model staying at the apartment, alleged that one such evening in September 1991, she began feeling woozy after being given a drink by Brunel, and was taken to his bedroom. "I recall him lying on top of me, me trying to push him off,' she said in an interview. 'I remember trying to move, but not really being able to. Like almost being paralysed..."' (Jean-Luc Brunel: three former models say they were sexually assaulted by Jeffrey Epstein friend, The Guardian);
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