from Kurt Cobain Journals (New York: Riverhead books, 2002);
from Augusto de Campos' Poesia 1949-1979 (Ateliê Editorial, 2014);
1280 Almas de Jim Thompson (Policiales de Colleccion, Silvia Hopenhayn, 2011);
The Jim Thompson History (The Grifters 1990, DVD extra);
Melancholia: La Fin du Monde e L'Ultime Fin du Film (Pacôme Thiellement/Bast);
I Work on Wall Street (by the treshorrificque American Psycho of Mary Harron, 2000);
Brian Ferneyhough's Terrain (1992) (Youtube);
Brian Ferneyhough's La Terre est un Homme (Youtube);
Galina Ustvolskaya's Grand Duet for cello and piano (Tobias Moster & Ingrid Karlen, Youtube);
Galina Ustvolskaya's 12 preludes (David Arden, Youtube);
Galina Ustvolskaya's Sonata No. 6 (Alexei Lubimov, 1988, Youtube);Excerpts de beaulx livres de haulte gresse:
"[Philip Adrian] Wright also had a fascination with celebrity culture, says [Philip] Oakey, 'people who manipulated the media to their own advantage. He was absolutely fascinated by the Kennedys and Hitler, to the point where some people thought he was fascist. But in fact he was just interested in their use of image and propaganda."
Simon Reynolds (Rip It Up)
"... there's a certain kind of poetry that's performance poetry. It's like the American Indians weren't writing conscious poetry. They were making chants, they were making ritual language—and the language of ritual is the language of the moment... I mean, Billy Graham is a great performer, even though he is a hunk of shit. Adolf Hitler was a fantastic performer. He was a black magician. And I learned from that. You can seduce people into mass consciousness. So I write to have somebody... The other thing is that through performance, I reach such states, in which my brain feels so open—so full of light, it feels huge, it feels as big as the Empire State Building..."
"... there's a certain kind of poetry that's performance poetry. It's like the American Indians weren't writing conscious poetry. They were making chants, they were making ritual language—and the language of ritual is the language of the moment... I mean, Billy Graham is a great performer, even though he is a hunk of shit. Adolf Hitler was a fantastic performer. He was a black magician. And I learned from that. You can seduce people into mass consciousness. So I write to have somebody... The other thing is that through performance, I reach such states, in which my brain feels so open—so full of light, it feels huge, it feels as big as the Empire State Building..."
Patti Smith (Please Kill Me, livre seigneurial)
"Richard Hell had designed a T-shirt for himself that said Please Kill Me, but he wouldn't wear it. I was like, 'I'll wear it.' So I wore it when we played upstair at Max's Kansas City, and afterwards these kids came up to me. These fans gave me this really psychotic look..."
Richard Lloyd (Please Kill Me)
"The fluorescent Day-Go colors don't seem very natural, even though the colors do exist in nature—there are some fishes and some birds that are kind of fluorescent, but to me the colors represented this man-made madness. Then when you mix Nazism with fluorescent colors, it's even more man-made madness... The people that act so defensively are always the people who are closet fascists."
Arturo Vega (Please Kill Me)
"In the hippie days, styles of dress or symbols were used unironically... and suddenly a movement comes along, and they were using swastikas and it's not about that; it's a costume and an assault. It's about something completely different—it's about gesture, and shock tactic."
Mary Harron (Please Kill Me)
"Richard Hell had designed a T-shirt for himself that said Please Kill Me, but he wouldn't wear it. I was like, 'I'll wear it.' So I wore it when we played upstair at Max's Kansas City, and afterwards these kids came up to me. These fans gave me this really psychotic look..."
Richard Lloyd (Please Kill Me)
"The fluorescent Day-Go colors don't seem very natural, even though the colors do exist in nature—there are some fishes and some birds that are kind of fluorescent, but to me the colors represented this man-made madness. Then when you mix Nazism with fluorescent colors, it's even more man-made madness... The people that act so defensively are always the people who are closet fascists."
Arturo Vega (Please Kill Me)
"In the hippie days, styles of dress or symbols were used unironically... and suddenly a movement comes along, and they were using swastikas and it's not about that; it's a costume and an assault. It's about something completely different—it's about gesture, and shock tactic."
Mary Harron (Please Kill Me)
"I have a real problem with ignorant people—particularly ignorant people that embrace fascism. And David Bowie has a streak of ignorance which is as wide as it is long..."
Angela Bowie (Please Kill Me)
"I did have this whole feeling of that once all the discussion was done, basically I don't care... I would always take the opposite view of the person who was trying to analyze it, so I was deliberately giving as much latitude as possible: 'I belong to the ____ generation.' How can you misinterpret that? Anything you think is correct, ha ha ha."
Richard Hell, abstracteur de quinte essence (Please Kill Me)
"Everyone's telling Debbie she's gonna be the next Farrah Fawcett, and she was saying that she didn't want to be Farrah Fawcett. All she wanted to do was sing."
James Sliman (Please Kill Me)
"They give this stuff to us just to keep us stoned, I don't even want it. You fucking take it. They just keep giving it to us! That's all the fucking guys give us! They want, they want, they want, and for that they give us this shit! James, this is for you, I don't even want it, my hotel room is full of it."
Blondie/James Sliman (Please Kill Me)
"I always say when the music moves from the music section to the front page of the newspaper, you're in trouble."
Danny Fields (Please Kill Me)
"It wasn't only the band who were crazy—the people who were supporting them were worse."
Bob Gruen (Please Kill Me)
"I just shit in her mouth... Well, her boyfriend said he wanted her to have an experience she wouldn't forget."
Sid Vicius/Bob Gruen (Please Kill Me)
"'Don't we get a kiss first?' one of the girls asked."
Legs McNeil (Please Kill Me)
"Artists will confuse sending with creation. They will camp around screeching 'A new medium!' until their rating drops off..."
William S. Burroughs
William S. Burroughs
"Así que ese es el Fantasma con el que te comunicás?"
Mauricio Rosencof
Descendez le chemin de l'enfer éternel!"
"... and I just couldn't stop looking at her, because I was so fascinated-but-horrified. Her hands kept crawling, they couldn't sleep, they couldn't stay still..."
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
"Descendez, descendez, lamentables victimes,Descendez le chemin de l'enfer éternel!"
"Die Behandlung, die ich von Seiten meiner Mutter und Schwester erfahre, bis auf diesen Augenblick, flösst mir ein unsägliches Grauen ein: hier arbeitet eine vollkommene Höllenmaschine, mit unfehlbarer Sicherheit über den Augenblick, wo man mich blutig verwunden kann — in meinen höchsten Augenblicken… denn da fehlt jede Kraft, sich gegen giftiges Gewürm zu wehren… Die physiologische Contiguität ermöglicht eine solche disharmonia praestabilita. Aber ich bekenne, dass der tiefste Einwand gegen die 'ewige Wiederkunft', mein eigentlich abgründlicher Gedanke, immer Mutter und Schwester sind."
**************************************************************Treshaulltz sacrements et mystères horrificques:
What's the material?
Corpses, but corpses resulting from atrocity, and from atrocity not punished.
Where does the material take us?
Only hell can punish unpunished atrocity.
2) Metainfinity Abyss (le fondament nous echappe!):
But does hell exist?
If it does exist, we deserve it.
If it doesn't, we get it the same way, or actually, we might get it even worse.
[Moon of Alabama's secret: Don't trust the dwarf, Gauguin's
glorious love for the Danish fabulous society]
[Moon of Alabama's secret: Don't trust the dwarf, Gauguin's
glorious love for the Danish fabulous society]
Parallel topics (des haultes matières et sciences profondes):
- icons: in principle they demand some kind of transcendence (even if it is not attainable: finis les pieds plats, est-ce qu'il n'aime pas Isou?) (Glenn Gould is an icon, as much as Picasso, Bowie, Jim Morrison and Debord, and Hitler);
- tigers fearful symmetries (or how I once became a total scoundrel by joining Blake to humble Augustus);
- Virgil and the circles of Hell (we all start from inferno, the Dantes alone ascend to heaven; but isn't Virgil here Kafka's Türhüter?);
- Goethe: usually taken as a humanist, he is actually the Nietzschean voice of the demonic (the fact that he stays as an oak in the middle of German atrocities, redime German culture or reviles him?) (the very essence of the demonic principle is that not all questions have an answer) (Faust, zweiter Teil; Die Wahlverwandtschaften) (two times total scoundrel);
Popular Culture:
- fame (vs. icon);
- whisky bars all closed...
- Hell is a vagina [die Scheide(n)], a cosmic crack (against which white straight men are all victims of their own defensive mechanisms) (three times total scoundrel: but me who?);
Philosophy:- Zarathustra's dwarf (the devil of noon, spirit without shadow);
***To raise the dead— &/or evidence for the villainous affair, the tale of family disonour, Romish church's pact with the devil (considered the greatest outrage against sense and decency, to be plagued and pestered, though solemnly ratified, à Dieu rien n'est impossible, menteur avéré, nom d'un chien):
"Although Greek names were sometimes applied to the church modes and the principle of diatonic octave scales is found in both systems, certain significant discrepancies seem to belie any direct historical connection. Most conspicuous is the different meaning attributed to the names of the Greek octave species and of the church modes. Comparing the two systems provides a plausible explanation: medieval theorists apparently assumed wrongly that the Greek octave species were named in ascending rather than descending order. The Greek octave species Dorian (E–E), Phrygian (D–D), Lydian (C–C), and Mixolydian (B–B) thus appeared in the church modes as Dorian (D–D), Phrygian (E–E), Lydian (F–F), and Mixolydian (G–G)," (from "Mode," entry in Brittanica, by Mieczyslaw Kolinski);
- Kitsch, Neo-Kitsch, Anti-Kitsch;
- the only three types of ingenuity when the parameter is infinity;
- pan doron &/ou la boîte vidée dehors;
- the only three types of ingenuity when the parameter is infinity;
- pan doron &/ou la boîte vidée dehors;
- Mommy-Momo (Dolan);
- Amat Escalante (& Werner Herzog): Basilisk's Cinema;
- Faceboockers, Pokemongoers & Francophonie;
- Amat Escalante (& Werner Herzog): Basilisk's Cinema;
- Faceboockers, Pokemongoers & Francophonie;