Inside Job : What is most brilliant in this movie, no matter its title, is that it actually doesn't have to rely in any kind of conspiracy theory: greed & (academic and professional) stupidity (plus hypocrisy) amounting to what the French call bêtise were (and are still) a yawning crevasse.
Finn Wittrock & John Magaro in Adam's Mckay, The Big Short (2015);
Finn Wittrock & John Magaro in Adam's Mckay, The Big Short (2015);
"I work on Wall Street": American Psycho (Mary Harron, 2000);
***NEW (April 5, 2020): debate concerning the economic crisis following Covid-19 pandemics & State aid to banks in Brazil (Mônica de Bolle, Gabriel Galipolo, Fernando Nogueira da Costa, Luis Nassif/GGN);
"What's great about this country is that... President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke... A Coke is a Coke and no money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking... when Queen Elizabeth came here and President Eisenhower bought her a hot dog I'm sure he felt confident that she couldn't have had delivered to Buckingham Palace a better hot dog than that one he bought her for maybe twenty cents at the ballpark... Sometimes you fantasize that people who are really up-there and rich and living it up have something you don't have, that their things must be better than your things because they have more money than you. But they drink the same Cokes and eat the same hot dogs and wear the same ILGWU clothes and see the same TV shows... All this is really American. The idea of America is so wonderful because the more equal something is, the more American it is... a lot of places give you special treatment when you're famous, but that's not really American. Wherever it's possible, you should try to pay people in measurements that are the most suitable for their talent or job."
Andy Warhol, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
"Everyone's telling Debbie she's gonna be the next Farrah Fawcett, and she was saying that she didn't want to be Farrah Fawcett. All she wanted to do was sing."
James Sliman (Please Kill Me)
"They give this stuff to us just to keep us stoned, I don't even want it. You fucking take it. They just keep giving it to us! That's all the fucking guys give us! They want, they want, they want, and for that they give us this shit! James, this is for you, I don't even want it, my hotel room is full of it."
Blondie/James Sliman (Please Kill me)
"... and I just couldn't stop looking at her [Edie Sedgwick], because I was so fascinated-but-horrified. Her hands kept crawling, they couldn't sleep, they couldn't stay still..."James Sliman (Please Kill Me)
"They give this stuff to us just to keep us stoned, I don't even want it. You fucking take it. They just keep giving it to us! That's all the fucking guys give us! They want, they want, they want, and for that they give us this shit! James, this is for you, I don't even want it, my hotel room is full of it."
Blondie/James Sliman (Please Kill me)
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
"Dupés par l'effet de réel de l'accélération des profits, les spéculateurs du moment, fascinés par les écrans du stock exchange, ne remarquent pas, semble-t-il, la déformation provoquée par la courbure du miroir des Bourses de l'ère de la globalisation et donc du caractère 'astronomique' de cette soudaine compression temporelle qui leur permet, certes, d'impressionnants profits mais au prix de 'bulles' de plus en plus fragiles qui déboucheront bientôt sur le krach systémique du turbo-capitalisme, mais, surtout, sur le laïcisme des spéculateurs qui ne pourront plus faire confiance à l'avenir de l'illusion progressiste, ni attendre du dernier logiciel les miracles que leur promettait la modélisation mathématique d'un marché soumis aux excès de vitesse du flash trading hyperactif..."
"L'idée même d'un capitalisme hors-sol et hors champ de toute production véritable, fondé sur une spéculation en apesanteur, n'est jamais qu'un leurre du marché, une aberration économique qui conduit tout droit à la crise systémique redoutée, à l'exemple de ces hedge funds dont la comptabilité est aujourd'hui exilée dans des places offshore, des paradis fiscaux, dont le management se résume souvent à une minuscule équipe qui peut travailler dans un appartement, le fonds de spéculation n'ayant pas vraiment de statut juridique..."
Paul Virilio, Le Grand Accélérateur
"Au-delà de l'erreur, au-delà de la bêtise elle-même: une certaine bassesse de l'âme..."
Deleuze, Nietzsche et la philosophie
"... are you going to major in Business Administration and stampede to Wall Street to sell illegal junk bonds?"
Timothy Leary
"... are you going to major in Business Administration and stampede to Wall Street to sell illegal junk bonds?"
Timothy Leary
- American Liberal Hell & Liberal Stupidity Much B4 Trump;
- Instead of revolution: démontage;
- Who Wants to Be the World's 5th Largest Economy?
- Brazil After Rousseff's Impeachment;
And also:
- The House that Jack Built's simple equation;
- Amat Escalante (& Werner Herzog): Basilisk's Cinema;
- The House that Jack Built's simple equation;
- Amat Escalante (& Werner Herzog): Basilisk's Cinema;
From the primitive years on the modern age, men continued to invent whatever was necessity
ReplyDeletefor them. Yet your entire happiness could soon get yourself a serious
jolt with just one judgmental lapse. There are flying squirrels, fox squirrels, gray squirrels, black squirrels and so on.